Preheat your smoker (or indirect grill) to 225F.
Prep ribs by peeling off back layer of silver skin and removing any excess meat. Lather with oil and season using brown sugar, garlic powder, black pepper, sea salt and onion powder. Once smoker is at an even 225F, place ribs on and let cook for 3 hours.
Once ribs have cooked 3 hours, lay down on a tin foil sheet 3 tbsp of butter spaced out evenly, 1 tbsp of brown sugar sprinkled out evenly and 1 tbsp of maple syrup. Place ribs on top of butter & sugar then repeat by topping those ribs with more butter, sugar and maple syrup. Repeat this too all ribs. Once ribs have been coated with butter, sugar and syrup on both sides, pout 1 tbsp of Guinness Draught on top and wrap up tin foil to prevent leakage. Place ribs back on smoker for another 2 hours at 225F.
About 1 hour before rib are ready, preheat a cast iron skillet over fire for Maple Guinness BBQ Sauce. Add Guinness Draught to skillet and let reduce by half. Add remainder of BBQ sauce ingredients and let cook over fire until thickened. Set aside once done.
Once ribs have cooked for 2 additional hours, pull out of tin foil and discard tin foil. Carefully place ribs back on smoker and lather in your Maple Guinness BBQ Sauce. Let cook for 1 more hour on smoker.
Pull rubs off smoker and let rest in cooler for 1 hour. Once rested, flip to bone side up and slice ribs. Pour yourself a pint of Guinness Draught and enjoy!